Thursday, February 26, 2009
Reading the Twilight Series...If you've read them you'll understand. I'll return to a productive life when I'm done!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Friday afternoon I slipped and fell on the ice for the the second time this winter. I got right back up, thinking that it could have been a lot worse. Later that evening I went for a jog (probably 2.5 miles). Saturday morning I woke up and felt fine. We had a girls spa day planned so six of us, we met up to get pedicures. It was when I got home my entire right side was really aching. I took a couple of Tylenol watched a movie and went to bed. Today I woke up felling like crap-olla! I'm guessing that it is a combination of a slight cold and the fall.
Is winter over yet?!?!
On a side note, my puppy has a problem. He loves to eat rocks. This probably wouldn't be a very big problem if our down wasn't solid gravel. Even paved roads are covered in gravel! I'm watching him like crazy, and you wouldn't think that he would get tired of me having my fingers down his throat!
Is winter over yet?!?!
On a side note, my puppy has a problem. He loves to eat rocks. This probably wouldn't be a very big problem if our down wasn't solid gravel. Even paved roads are covered in gravel! I'm watching him like crazy, and you wouldn't think that he would get tired of me having my fingers down his throat!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Weekend travel
This weekend I traveled to Petersburg AK for my nieces swim meet. My trip started Friday morning at 4 am. I woke up and got packed for my 6 am departure. To get anywhere in Southeast Alaska you have to take lots of short trips with long layovers. Most of the time you actually have to over fly our destination, just to wait for a new flight to where you want to go. So I had to take a 30 minute flight North to Juneau. My flight to Petersburg didn't leave Juneau till 2 pm. It was a long morning.I arrived in Petersburg and went straight to the pool. My niece swam wonderfully. I have never been more proud of anyone than I was of her this weekend. In swim meets you're allowed to swim 7 individual events and relays. She won 5 firsts 2 second places and the 8 and under girls won 1st in both their relays. She goes to 5 practices a week including 5 am practices twice a week. I don't know about you, but when I was 8 all I thought about was barbies and PB sandwiches.

Getting home took just as long. I left Petersburg at 3 in the afternoon and pulled into my drive way at 11:30 pm.
Oh and she was also the top point winner for the age! This picture is classic Alaska. The awards ceremony was at the ELKS lodge, hence the animal head behind the girls!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
House Guest
Yes, I know that I just started this blog and have already had a big gap in postings. BUT I have a great excuse. I've had a house guest... My husband (who is currently in Panama) told me that his friend was going to stay here for 4 or 5 days max.! Well 10 days later he finally leaves, but not before informing me that he would be back in 2 weeks...Lucky Me...NOT!
Needless to say as soon as he left this evening and am having a glass of Champagne, and I don't even like Champagne... I just felt the need for a little celebration!
On a positive note, I have been using the elliptical a lot the last 10 days, just to have some alone time. Last year Ben and I bought a home and as a house warming/Christmas gift my parents gave us some cash.
This is what we bought...
Ben did a bit of research for something that we could afford with the best consumer reviews, and this is what he came up with. Of course living where we do, we had to have it trucked to Seattle and then barged to Sitka. It probably took a month for us to receive it, but we both like it and use it several times a week in the winter.
Post coming soon on me predicted training schedule.
Needless to say as soon as he left this evening and am having a glass of Champagne, and I don't even like Champagne... I just felt the need for a little celebration!
On a positive note, I have been using the elliptical a lot the last 10 days, just to have some alone time. Last year Ben and I bought a home and as a house warming/Christmas gift my parents gave us some cash.
This is what we bought...

Post coming soon on me predicted training schedule.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Newest Family Member
Meet Willie...He is 3 1/2 months old. We had all these grand plans to not have him on the couch or in bed. BUT since Ben (husband) left for 6 weeks I have been compensating for Willies lack of a father figure and letting him get away with everything.
In all honestly it was only one night of getting drunk and letting him on the couch and then wanting to snuggle with him and there is no going back to the hard floor once he had a taste of our comforts.

In all honestly it was only one night of getting drunk and letting him on the couch and then wanting to snuggle with him and there is no going back to the hard floor once he had a taste of our comforts.
When we got Willie I was looking forward to long walks and brisk jogs. I'm starting to doubt that Willie will be the athlete that I envisioned him being. When we go for our walks we walk about 100 feet he does his business and wants to turn about and go home. I'm hoping that it is because the weather is so crappy and not his disposition.
Monday, February 2, 2009
First Choice...
As I mentioned yesterday I am going to run a marathon. I thought that it would be nice to elaborate on my decision to undertake such a huge commitment. Firstly it helps me keep my weight in check and allows me to eat things that otherwise my metabolism would not process. Secondly jogging is time for me. I am big on personal space and time and when I jog it is time that I can be totally self absorbed.
Some things that I need to consider in my marathon of choice are follows. Time of year, I can't do it in the summer because my husband and I have seasonal jobs (summer is our busy season). Also I hate running in the cold so the winter is also out. Spring is not enough time to train, leaving fall the choice season for me. Location, I would like to run in a state that is near me. So somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. And the course, because this is my first marathon I would like a fairly flat course and nice scenery.
Taking all of these factors into consideration, I believe I have found my first contender. The Royal Victoria Marathon in Victoria BC Canada.
Some things that I need to consider in my marathon of choice are follows. Time of year, I can't do it in the summer because my husband and I have seasonal jobs (summer is our busy season). Also I hate running in the cold so the winter is also out. Spring is not enough time to train, leaving fall the choice season for me. Location, I would like to run in a state that is near me. So somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. And the course, because this is my first marathon I would like a fairly flat course and nice scenery.
Taking all of these factors into consideration, I believe I have found my first contender. The Royal Victoria Marathon in Victoria BC Canada.
Look at all those beautiful miles of Ocean that you get to run by. And when you're not on the water you're jogging through a visually stimulating downtown. Get to run a marathon and do some window shopping at the same time. It's a win- win situation.
Has anyone heard anything about this race? Or have different recommendations?
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hello, my name is Nicole and I'm addicted to reading blogs. It doesn't matter what they're about or who wrote it, I just have to get my fix. My favorites are blogs involving exercise, food, fashion, and quick wit ... and the more photos the better.
I've thought about starting one for over a year now. I actually had the perfect excuse when I was planning our wedding. But it just didn't feel like the right time. So now I've set a dreaded New Years resolution... Drum roll please... to run a marathon! UGH!!! This is going to hold me accountable. For getting off my butt and putting on my shoes and going jogging.
I also plan to post about whatever else I have planned or on my mind.
Like right now my new husband is in Panama fishing till at least March 2nd. Of course I miss him, but I also enjoy the time for myself. It's like being single without having to worry about relationships or boy drama. I have tons of time to do whatever I want. If I don't want dinner I don't have to worry about if my husband wants to eat. It's nice for the moment, but I also know that it is only a temporary situation and I know he'll be back soon.
Since he left, he also took our camera with him. So pictures on the blog are going to be limited to what I already have on file. With that said I'll get get back to one of the purposes of this blog. The first step that I took towards running a marathon was buying this book...
Note: Technical difficulties; image posted at the top of the page instead of here...oops.

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