This weekend I traveled to Petersburg AK for my nieces swim meet. My trip started Friday morning at 4 am. I woke up and got packed for my 6 am departure. To get anywhere in Southeast Alaska you have to take lots of short trips with long layovers. Most of the time you actually have to over fly our destination, just to wait for a new flight to where you want to go. So I had to take a 30 minute flight North to Juneau. My flight to Petersburg didn't leave Juneau till 2 pm. It was a long morning.I arrived in Petersburg and went straight to the pool. My niece swam wonderfully. I have never been more proud of anyone than I was of her this weekend. In swim meets you're allowed to swim 7 individual events and relays. She won 5 firsts 2 second places and the 8 and under girls won 1st in both their relays. She goes to 5 practices a week including 5 am practices twice a week. I don't know about you, but when I was 8 all I thought about was barbies and PB sandwiches.

Getting home took just as long. I left Petersburg at 3 in the afternoon and pulled into my drive way at 11:30 pm.
Oh and she was also the top point winner for the age! This picture is classic Alaska. The awards ceremony was at the ELKS lodge, hence the animal head behind the girls!

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